It’s a Smart (Phone) World, Isn’t it? 

Okay, I’ve got a question right up front because I’m ridiculously curious: how many of you fellow bloggers out there have been blogging mostly or exclusively from your phone? 

Since I started my journey through the Mountains of Words in July, I have been doing so through the WordPress app on my BlackBerry. Though I adore my device for its computer power, multi-tasking abilities and superior security features, it has a long history of not playing nicely with Android-based apps like WP. Let me not get started on the rant of how bad the Facebook app and my phone relate!

My experience with the app has been tumultuous and fraught with expletive laden tirades while trying to cut and paste. We’re talking about two of my biggest life skills in the real world, but in the digital one, not so much so. More like hahaha-NOPE! It’s slowly getting easier though, like anything with practice. 

In the bottom right of this picture, you’ll notice just a fraction of my cutting implements! I also have a paper cutter, circle cutter and numerous exact-o knives; what can I say, I like to cut and paste. Side note: everything you see on my wall beside my desk got ruined by unfortunate, gleeful accident the day I found out about my new job mid-breakfast and proceeded to shake my chocolate protein drink after I’d already removed the lid. I got that stuff everywhere including up my nose! But, hey, I got the job! Excitement does strange things to my brain.

Briefly side-barring here on the topic of real world and things getting easier, my elevator making skills are improving. When I started my job in June, I was beyond intimidated by how little I knew and how much there was TO know. Already I can build most of my pieces without consulting the drawings and find the parts I need without having to wander around. Everything gets easier with practice; even the things we tell ourselves we can’t do.

Back to blogging and using our ever prevalent smart phone technology to do it, I’ve found my site looks a little bit different depending on the device. On my phone, my Menu bar appears as this long blob that disrupts the intended atmosphere and yet, on my Mum’s Huawei it is just how it’s supposed to be. I’ve yet to see how it looks from a desktop browser.

I had intended to wait to start blogging until I could find time to break out the old laptop. But, a month passed with that excuse holding me back before I realized I just had to start. 

I place strange restrictions on myself and limits that exist to no other person. I’m trying to relax these fictional restraints. No one is holding me back but me. I learned that lesson the hard way. I suppose we all do.

34 thoughts on “It’s a Smart (Phone) World, Isn’t it? 

  1. I have never blogged through my phone. I’m sorry to say I just don’t trust it! I mess up enough words when I comment on other people’s posts and the tiny screen for blogging a whole 400-1000 words makes me feel a little claustrophobic!
    Kudos to you for being able to do it at all. And I had to chuckle when I read how excitement over your new job led to an interesting experience with your drink.:) Congratulations by the way!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for chiming in, Angela! I realize that a lot of people are blogging from computer. The differences between the two are definitely interesting! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject. I’m glad you got a chuckle from my story within a story. It was a pretty funny experience I had to share. Those kind of things usually make me mad (clutzy accidents), but I was laughing too hard! And too chocolate covered! Lol.

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  2. I have no idea how you have been able to do this from your phone!! I’d have thrown it out a window by now!
    Your chocolate drink disaster just cracks me up (reminds me of my ‘shrimp incident’), lol. I think I should have just made your middle name Clutz when you were born. Sorry again about those genes 😋❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I give credit to the people who are able to blog on their phone. I feel too limited by the small text and sometimes my thumbs can’t get to that particular letter no matter how much I tap, if I need to edit something. I usually use my phone to browse through blogs and post comments. Just the basic stuff.

    And yeah, it really does make blog layouts look skewed. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Beatrice! Thanks for commenting; the mobile platform definitely seems limited! But the convenience factor sure is a gigantic plus. I do most of my writing in a different app and cut/paste it in. My experience with writing in the Editor were maddening. Lol. Ah technology, how it shapes our lives!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice! I wondered if there was a seamless interface out there. No surprise IPhone would be it. Definitely seems to be the preferred platform for app developers. Thanks for commenting! I’m very interested to hear how other bloggers experiences with the app have been!

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  4. I’ve been blogging through my Android. Well it’s jolly good. I mean at least better than the Microsoft phones. I’ve a friend who started blogging through her Nokia Lumia and all she could do was upload one of her writings and then the app started giving her hell lot troubles and she stopped blogging.
    This app was troubling me in the beginning. I wasn’t able to understand how to proceed. But now it’s getting easier with each passing day.
    But I guess it’ll get better if I switch to desktop or laptop.

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  5. I’m commenting using my phone right now. That’s pretty much what I use the WP app for and uploading pictures to posts which I’ve written up on my laptop. I don’t write up posts on my phone as I find the screen a little too small and my posts are long so it’s like never ending scrolling. I check my posts over more than once before publishing them so I like to have some screen space to actually be able to do that and ensure they’re looking exactly how I want them to before I hit the publish button.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a good idea; writing on laptop and adding pictures by phone! Screen space is definitely an issue, though my phone does have a pretty big one. Editing is certainly a struggle and I know that would be easier on a laptop. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You raise some really good points!

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